Saturday, July 7, 2018

Made it Geneva via Iceland. I would take that route again to Europe, the flights were reasonable in length and the Iceland airport was small, clean, and easy to navigate. And for such a small airport, they had plenty of shops and cafes. I look forward to exploring Iceland in the future. They have Puffins!! One of my favorite birds. I just got settled in my room and will head out to explore for a bit, grab a bite and a cold beverage and try and stay awake until nighttime here. More to come...

Monday, July 2, 2018

Soon the adventure begins...

Image result for mont blanc switzerland

Friday July 6th is the takeoff day, arriving in Geneva, Switzerland on the afternoon of the 7th. I will meet up with the guides on the 9th, so I will have a full day to explore Geneva. Then off I go, hiking around Mont Blanc through Switzerland, France, and Italy.